Located at University of Ottawa – Directed by RONALD LABONTE (University of Ottawa) & SEAN HILLIER (York University)

While there is growing acknowledgment of the importance of equity considerations in Global Health governance more generally, there is also growing evidence that equity issues are central to addressing Infectious Diseases (IDs) and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) through global governance arrangements. Sex and gender identity are key health equity stratifiers globally with implications for ID and AMR prevention and control. For example, women with lower levels of education or resources, or who live in rural or remote areas, may face greater exposure to health care settings without safe or hygienic conditions and, if they contract an AMR infection, may be less likely to receive, or less able to afford, the needed first and second-line treatments than men. Similarly, certain population groups living in conditions disadvantaged by poverty (absolute and relative), ethnicity, or geography may be at greater risk of contracting IDs in general, and AMR strains in particular; and may have different abilities to access and adhere to treatment guidelines.
This research stream will focus on identifying best practice guidelines for how to ensure equity considerations are considered in the design of effective global governance systems for ID and AMR.
The EQUITY Research Enabling Platform has prepared a Toolkit, the aim of which is to inform health practitioners, researchers, and decision-makers at all governmental levels about the circumstances of equity-seeking groups and provide useful resources to implement effective and equitable pandemic policies and programs for communities and populations that are facing significant health disparities
The Research Enabling Platform 4 focusing on Equity produced its first report « The Canadian Policy Response to COVID-19:What’s in it for Health Equity? ». The authors Arne Ruckert, Eyad Shedeed, Sean Hillier, and Ronald Labonté detail the results of the review on:
- Income and social status
- Employment and working conditions
- Education, literacy, and early childhood
- Food insecurity
- Housing
- Social safety network
- Health services
- Indigenous Peoples
- Gender and sexuality
- Disability
- Race/Racism
For citation: Ruckert, A., Shedeed, E., Hillier, S., Labonté, R., 2021 The Canadian Policy Response to COVID-19: What’s in it for Health Equity? Ottawa: University of Ottawa and York University, Global One Health Network. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25200.89604 https://global1hn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/G1HN_Equity-Report_19.01.21_3.pdf
Following the release of the above report on health equity, Drs Arne Ruckert and Ronald Labonté were invited to speak at the « CanCOVID Speaker Series », on 9 March 2021.